So you might be wondering why I decided to create a 2D Space Shoot’em Up game rather than something different. There are lots of reasons for the decision and I have listed them in order of importance below:
- As I mentioned before I grew up in the 80’s so shoot’em up games are what predominated. My two all time favorites were Space Invaders and Asteroids. So I wanted to create a game that would take me back in time and use aspects of both games in it.
- While I enjoy some of the fabulous new games that the big game studios put out, these games take awhile to learn because of all the different controls and buttons you need memorize in-order to play. Sometimes you just want to chill and use easy controls to blow things up and have a good time. In Space Invader you just move your ship left and right and shoot and that is it. So I wanted a game that you can learn to play quickly and just shoot thing up and see how far you can get and how high you can score.
- Budget was a consideration as creating a 3D 1ST or 2ND person shooter was going to cost too much.
- Time was also a consideration. Because of my lack of knowledge in creating games I new that as a first endeavor it would be faster and easier to create a top down 2d Shootem up game.
So based on these reasons I decided to create an 80’s style game inspired by the classic games of the 80’s and early 90’s. However, I wanted to make sure that the graphics of the game and music of the game were updated an on par with the highest quality games of today. Most importantly I wanted the game to be fun. I wanted the player to sit back, relax blow some bad guys up and save the earth and have fun doing it.